Putting together any one of the major auto auctions is nothing less than an amazing feat of staffing and organization, incorporating a not-so-small army of regular, on call and contracted employees. The Scottsdale edition of the Barrett-Jackson auction is one of the biggest, pushing what seems like an endless stream of cars across the block in a span of 6 days. I was lucky enough to hang out behind the scenes at the 2016 show, and got to talk to some of the drivers, security peeps and organizers.
Despite the fact that a good number of the people who work this auction only work for Barrett-Jackson one week out of the year, the show operates like a well-oiled machine. Some of the guys I talked to were there working for the first time, while others have been doing the show for years. As I walked around the auction and took in all the one-of-a-kind rides my curiosity automatically went toward the drivers. I mean, how do you get to sit behind of the wheel of these cars anyway?
Well you won’t be seeing any ads on Craig’s list for this position, so don’t bother doing a search. It seems like most of the drivers are there because they were referred by someone, and had some sort of connection to the auction staff. And I could understand why they would do things that way…these rides must be handled with care, and they have to have confidence in EVERY person who has access to the keys.
I will say that I was a little jealous as I was hanging out with these guys (and ladies) in the staging area. Although they work really long hours (as in 14-20 hour days long hours), they get to drive cars that most people will never even see outside of maybe a museum. As one guy said “I don’t do it for the money, I do it because I love this stuff.” Yes…we all love this stuff, and we can’t see what they get to drive across the block at the next one!